The Leopard Gecko is Very Popular in the Reptile Classifieds

Leopard geckos are a popular species of gecko kept as pets due to their docile and gentle nature. They are relatively easy to care for, but it is important to research their specific needs before bringing one into your home.

Leopard geckos require specific conditions to stay healthy and can live up to 30 years, so it is important to only adopt one if you can commit to caring for them properly. A 10-gallon aquarium is suitable for one gecko, while a 15-gallon aquarium is needed for two. If keeping two, ensure they are of opposite genders to prevent fighting and breeding.

To create a comfortable habitat, provide small branches for climbing and avoid using sand or gravel as a liner as it can cause blockages if ingested. Instead, paper makes a good liner, and clean water should always be available for drinking.

Leopard geckos require warmth, with basking temperatures of around 88F (31C) during the day and 70-75F (21-24C) at night. They also require light during the day, but bright light is not necessary. A single incandescent or red bulb will suffice.

When it comes to feeding, a diet of insects and occasional worms is recommended. Crickets should make up the majority of their diet, and should be gut-loaded and treated with a calcium D3 supplement for young geckos once a day, and every other feeding for adults. Mealworms can be given occasionally, and wax worms can be given as a weekly treat. Young geckos should be fed four to five crickets daily, while adults can be fed six to ten every other day.

It is important to handle leopard geckos with care and never grab them by the tail, as they will drop it as a defense mechanism. This can lead to possible infections while the tail regrows. Once a new tail has grown, it may not be the same shape or color as the original.

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